Tag Archive: mind

Going On Silent Retreat

If you’re as fascinated with meditation as I am, at some point you’re going to want to do it more intensively – to go into silent retreat and meditate for some days or… Continue reading

Yoga and Meditation Can Change Your Genes, Study Says

In a new paper, published in Frontiers in Immunology, British researchers analyzed the findings from 18 previously published studies—involving a total of 846 people—on the biological effects of meditation, yoga, breathing exercises, Qi… Continue reading

Letting Go of the Void

MEDITATION QUESTION FROM AUDREY:I had only been meditating for a short while before I entered “the void”. I was meditating in my back yard one night and I guess you could say that… Continue reading

The Mind … and the Mind …

Following is a particularly curly question about something which always seems to become an issue in meditation, however briefly: “Hi, Sometimes while I’m meditating it feels like I’m using my mind to try… Continue reading