The New Science of Death

Recently, a couple of very good friends have died. And being months away from my seventieth year and sensing the approaching end of my own life, I have been contemplating the nature of death.

This contemplation has not been of the morbid kind – more of a kind of appropriate fascination. Where in my earlier years I was too busy getting things done to think about it, now I’m realizing I don’t have the time to do a lot of things I might have considered before.

Which poses the instinctive question ‘why? … why don’t I have time?’ And that leads to the reminder of ‘oh, that’s right, in only a decade or so, or perhaps less, I will be approaching my death.’

So it’s with this new fascination reverberating in my mind, that I happened to find a wonderful video on Youtube, which lays out the new frontier in medical science, of the investigation of death’s process, and what actually happens.
I thought to share it, because I think it’s information that needs to be known, not just for the information, but also for the exquisite beauty of what it implies.

So here it is: ‘Rethinking Death: Exploring What Happens When We Die’.


Roger’s book, ‘BEING STILL – MEDITATION THAT MAKES SENSE’  is available now. Just click on the links below:

AMAZON PAPERBACK                                               – AUD $26.40 

KINDLE eBOOK                                                             – AUD $11.99 

AUDIOBOOK  (including ebook & MP3 exercises) – AUD $25.00 
